


Deck the Halls with Reindeer Printables

Road trips with the kids can be painful. Most are fine, but every now and again we're hit with a  doozy. No one cares about the movie that's on, iPad's aren't charged, he's touching my arm, she breathed in my general know how it goes. One of the 'games' we play to diffuse backseat WWIII is "Spot the Animal". As in, look for cows! Do you see any horses? Are there coyotes/foxes in the field? We live in the prairies and there is an overabundance of all these animals anywhere you drive so it's pretty simple. But now, with Christmas approaching, we'[...]


Being Content & A Give Thanks Printable!

Canadian Thanksgiving is this coming weekend and I can't wait to get my stretchy pants on and indulge in all the yumminess it brings. Aside from all the food though, it really is a good time to sit back and reflect on how truly thankful I am for everything in my life. It's so very easy to lose sight of what you have and to constantly be striving and grasping and wanting more. Some days it's hard to be content with the life you live, yet to be content can be so fulfilling. I get it though, sometimes when the kids are hollering at each other and the livin[...]


First Day of School Printables: Pre-K – Gr. 12

Ahh can you believe we're nearing the end of August? School starts soon in our part of the world and parents everywhere are rejoicing! Kidding, kidding...well, to a certain degree. Summer is great, the rules are a little looser with regards to bedtimes and curfew. Early curfew turns into come home before the sun sets, routine showers may be forgotten because kids are too busy having fun to worry about the dirt accumulating under their finger nails. Running in the house for a quick PB&J on white is a perfectly acceptable lunch. All you can do is yell out the[...]


Love Never Fails Watercolor Printable

Hello lovelies! Hope your week is going well and sun is shining where you are! If there is one thing we can stand to learn how to do more, it's to love. It comes so naturally to so many people, yet it seems like there is so much of it lacking in the world around us.  I can't even wrap my head around all the bad that is happening so openly and brazenly. So much hatred and animosity out there and not enough compassion. Not enough understanding. Not enough love. Day in and day out I preach to the kids to love, whether it's each other, mom and dad, or grandma[...]


Thanks for Keeping me Sharp! Teacher Printable

It's almost here...IT'S ALMOST HERE! The end of school year countdown is officially in single digits now. Tucker is on his second last day of school and Carter only has 5 days to go. Summer holidays are so close, I can taste them. Literally. I'm chowing down on watermelon as I type this and there is seriously nothing that tastes more like summer than watermelon. Are you in a panic yet for a teacher gift? Or were you on the ball this year and have everything ready to go? I'm usually a last minute, pick up a bottle of wine & a card as I run to the school be[...]
